Reputation / Crisis Communications

Helping a company navigate the public arena with the aim of restoring and improving its reputation and effectively resolving problems, dealing with crises and settling business conflicts

While reputation is an abstract concept, our practice and actual figures show that a good reputation increases corporate value and provides a sustainable competitive advantage. And these are concrete and material things.

A crisis can have a negative impact on the brand image of a company and on the company as a whole. Successful global companies that understand the value of brand and business reputation are developing strategies to safeguard the company’s credibility with the aim of protecting them from various threats and negative challenges.

Active and swift communication is pivotal when a crisis occurs. A company should have a base crisis communication plan for promoting information in the public space. Without the right strategy and expertise to communicate about a crisis, society and the business environment may respond to it in an undesirable way and, respectively, spread false or unreliable information, which can jeopardize a company’s security.

The main goal of crisis communications is to go into the public spotlight with the aim of restoring reputation and/or effectively resolving a recently appearing problem/conflict.

In 80% of the cases when a company does appeal to the public after a problem/conflict has arisen, the problem/conflict at first intensifies and is not resolved. Reputation is not restored, but rather weakened.

When a problem/crisis arises, it is the reputation of the company that becomes the most vulnerable, which can lead to significant financial losses.

Before entering the public spotlight, especially during such aforementioned times, companies need to carefully prepare and form a team and/or anti-crisis command unit.

Companies in the zone of risk include those

  • 1That are fairly well known with a significant market share (income).
  • 2Already in the public spotlight.
  • 3That have won a tender (public tender) involving state property.
  • 4Engaged in a war of competition or have conflicts with partners.
  • 5Being subjected to significant additional tax charges.
  • 6Whose executives are fighting criminal cases against them.

Major business mistakes

  • Company ignores the public forum, making no effort to refute the accusations leveled against it or support its view of the situation.n.
  • Lack of full-time specialists in crisis communications who have successful experience in the formation and implementation of an anti-crisis communication strategy in the company.
  • Not having an external anti-crisis command unit that has sufficient and successful experience in the formation and implementation of anti-crisis communication strategies.
  • Not having an anti-crisis communication strategy at all.
  • Poorly selecting messages and channels of information dissemination, which leads to aggravation of the problem or escalation of the conflict.
  • Lack of risk assessment of the anti-crisis strategy and its tools and messages.
  • Not correcting the anti-crisis strategy depending on changing circumstances and responses from the public space.
  • Not having a clear understanding of what needs to be obtained from crisis communications and how the result will be manifested.

Main dangers in the public arena

Ignoring the problem, especially when information that threatens the reputation of the company has already been disseminated.

Not understanding the laws by which the public arena “works”.

Chaotic filling of the public space with messages that can aggravate the reputation/problem/conflict.

Additional losses a business can incur


Loss of market share

Loss of clients and partners

Decline in demand for goods or services

Boycot of goods or services by the market

Who we are

We are a unique external anti-crisis command unit with considerable successful practical experience in crisis communications and in the field of reputation protection.

We have had unprecedented success in both the development of anti-crisis strategies, including crisis communications, and their implementation.

Our group of companies comprises a news agency and an online business outlet, while the anti-crisis team includes highly qualified journalists, PR specialists, crisis managers, and top legal advisors.

All team members work harmoniously to achieve a single result, since they wholly understand what to focus on, what to pay attention to and what is most important in the public arena. We clearly understand every step we take and the purpose of each message.

What we offer

Research of the information space

Analysis of company goals and reputational risks

Development of an anti-crisis strategy, a strategy for renewing reputation, and a communication plan

Formation of messages

Determination of the target audience, channels and tools for disseminating information

Implementation of an anti-crisis strategy and a strategy for protecting the company's reputation

Strategy adjustment depending on how the conflict develops and the public reacts

Effective refutation of false information



Increased efficiency of communication to the public by the company.


Minimized negative consequences for the reputation of your business in the public arena.

The company obtains

A detailed step-by-step strategy for entering the public spotlight in order to communicate a message, taking into account the ultimate goal of the company

Anti-crisis command unit working in close cooperation with the top management and PR specialists of the company

Clear and easy-to-use tools, a selection of messages and promotion channels based on the company's objectives, depth of the problem, corporate restrictions, and requirements

Control of the public's view and dynamic change in the strategy of interaction in the public arena, depending on changes in the goals, tasks and concerns of the company

Сontrol of the public debate of the conflict/crisis rather than by the company's antagonists

Minimization of all possible types of losses for the company (monetary, reputational, blocking of economic activity, loss of market share, loss of customers)

S&P Agency for business in numbers for recent years


million returned illegally locked VAT


tax burden reduced for investors


26 criminal cases against corporate executives of foreign companies on tax evasion were closed totaling


returned assets

2,5 $billion

saved costs


conflicts settled

We conducted training for more than 45 foreign companies whose gross revenue is 30% of GDP of Ukraine


Olga Avdeeva

Financial director

Briefly, meaningfully, practical cases – very well

Valentina Eremeeva

Geberit Traiding LLC
Chief accountant

Substantially, useful and I appreciated that the speakers complemented each other.

Lada Kiselyova

RLG Ukraine LLC
Chief Accountant

Very useful and actual information.

Olexandr Melianchuk

CLO at an International pharmaceutical company

Thank you! Very nice and meaningfully!

Vadim Novosad

Imperial Tobacco Ukraine
Head of security service

A thorough, structured presentation of the material with practical advices based on real cases.

Oleg Gudim

Delta Medical LLC

Useful information which can be used in the working process.


  • Which companies are at risk?
  • What is the main danger of the public plane?
  • What additional losses can the business suffer?
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