Selection and development: taking into account the specific wishes of the client. The structure of assets and jurisdiction of the parent company under a specially invested project with the purpose of protection of these assets, minimization of taxes and other business risks.
(Choice of jurisdiction, tax planning structure for optimal tax load and maximum profit in Ukraine).
The goal – to preserve and create a system of investments and property rights, reduce and optimize tax burden.

Registration in the territory of Ukraine of legal entities for investment projects.

DD of the future investment object:
(preparation of a conclusion on the existing and possible risks of the investment project, and analysis of their consequences for it).

Creation of strategy of the realization and mechanisms of minimization of risks of investment projects.
Development of an optimal structure of the investment project, if it envisages partnership with the Ukrainian side.
Development of an optimal strategy for asset acquisition / investment realization.

Support of the investment project at all stages of “turn-key” realization, including legal and financial support, GR, PR and others.

Support of economic activity.
Support of business activities of the company in Ukraine (minimization of risks in relations with tax and law enforcement, as well as the controlling bodies).
Support of an exit from the investment project, closure of legal entities on the territory of Ukraine.